
American Studies is a community of students and teachers. We attract students from many backgrounds: history, art history, sociology, literature, media studies, law, economics.

Pedagogy’s goal is to teach students how to tell their teachers something those teachers did not know. The question “What is American Studies?” has no single answer, because every student must answer it anew.

Outstanding MA theses are nominated for the Theodore Roosevelt American History Award, and students are encouraged to contribute writings to the Amsterdam American Quarterly.

The Amsterdam Americanist Society

Current and former students of American Studies at the University of Amsterdam participate in the Amsterdam Americanist Society, a student-run network working to broaden connections between students, staff, alumni, and the city of Amsterdam. The Society facilitates events and gatherings in the area, and serves as a platform for ideas beyond the classroom. The AAS also arranges visits to local events that might be interesting for Americanists, including films, lectures, music, and exhibitions.