The 2020 US Elections: an evening with the UvA’s Americanists

Monday, October 26, 2020, 6-8pm
Zoom webinar

The American presidential election will end, or it won’t, on Tuesday, November 3. In Europe as much as in the US, news media tend to treat American politics as a sport or a gladiatorial spectacle. This year, that spectacle is set against the backdrops of mass mobilizations and reactionary violence, of economic calamity, of a pandemic both surreal and mundane. Millions have already voted; millions may have their votes denied.

On October 26, the American Studies faculty of the University of Amsterdam will reflect on local, national, and international reverberations, in light of the deeper past and with an eye toward the future. With presentations by George Blaustein, Katy Hull, Ruud Janssens, and Eduard van de Bilt.

All are welcome. Please register to view the link: